Saturday, November 29, 2008

Halloween and Thanksgiving

Time is going by too fast--I'm not ready for the year to be over already.

We had three black cats for Halloween this year. Mike was trying to talk one of them into being a black roadkill cat, but they nobody was convinced. I figure we did pretty well, though, because I was able to reuse one costume, and Quinlan actually wore a costume, which is pretty good for him. He was a soccer player for the last two years, and he only agreed to that because we wouldn't let him go trick-or-treating without a costume. Notice the really huge pumpkin from our garden--we had an even bigger one, but it was too heavy for me to carry, so it's still sitting in the kitchen (not carved--maybe I will cook it instead).

Mike was the Bog Monster at the ward trunk-or-treat.
The Clayton cousins came down to trick-or-treat with our kids, and they all had fun. I think they work off most of the candy they eat by running from house to house through the neighborhood. Owen was pretty beat by the end of the evening.
The kids have been busy with school, and I have been enjoying my afternoons free. It's amazing what you can get done with no kids for two hours every day. My house may actually be organized sometime soon. Well, maybe sometime.
Mike has been swamped with work still. He has been going up to Idaho every week or so for site visits. You can check out the progress on his building here: He says he will wave at the camera Thursday afternoons at his site visit.
We were disappointed not to be able to go to Colorado for Thanksgiving, but it ended up being a relaxing holiday instead. We barbecued hamburgers and chicken for Thanksgiving dinner, and it was very yummy, but we're looking forward to a turkey dinner at Tan and Paul's tomorrow. And Mike put up the Christmas lights today, so we're ready for December.