Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer's Over...Already?

Have I mentioned before that I hate year-round school? Piper and Owen start school on Monday, so we're trying to get in as many swimming, hiking, and zoo trips as we can before then. Thank goodness Owen is only going to be going half-day.

It's been a busy month, and I haven't written anything. We've had visits from cousins:

And visits from more cousins:

Quinlan turned nine, and he had a lot of fun at his party. Yes, those are real sparklers on the front of his tank. We love July birthdays!

I marched in two parades on the fourth of July, and we had fireworks at home. Grandma and Grandpa Leishman came down for a barbecue, and Tan brought by some really great homemade ice cream.

Then it's Mike's birthday, and we had both families over for a big party. Actually, the party was on Sunday, and Mike and I went out for a date on his real birthday. Mike is taking videos of the important stuff here.

Quinlan got to compete in the Pinewood Derby, and he brought home a third-place trophy. Quinlan says it was just luck, but for some reason Mike thinks it has something to do with how well he and Q built the car. I think it was entirely the graphite I put on the wheels.
I also got to go with Quinlan to Cub Scout day camp, which was fun--but I forgot my camera. They learned how to crack a real whip, and did all the great stuff like shooting bows and arrows and hiking and making crafts.