I've never been one to brag, but passing one of the guys from Mike's old office on our way to California while he was heading to work really made me wish we had a sign in our car window. We planned a trip to Disneyland in less than three days--we decided to go on Friday morning, and we left early Monday. Luckily, Howard and Amber had done most of the actual planning, so we just tagged along.
I think we've already given everyone a review of our trip, so I'm just going to put up a few pictures here. We went on a beautiful hike at Kolob Canyons on our way down.
We saw six lizards and a tadpole. Nobody caught any of them.
Then we did Disneyland on Tuesday and Wednesday. Everyone's favorite ride was actually in the California Adventure; the Grizzly River Run. I didn't take my camera out during the ride, but this is how wet everyone got from it.
Everyone loved the bumper cars.
The teacups were also a hit with the people in the family who don't get motion sick.
On Thursday, we went to the beach for a little while before we drove home. It's been too long since we've been to an ocean--each kid told me separately that the water tasted funny at this beach. They're used to lake water.
It was a fun trip--I don't know about the kids, but it definitely wore me out.